Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chapter 3 Section Review 2

  1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel/Christians, Jews, and Muslims

  2. Dan and Beersheba

  3. strategic geographic location

  4. Ten Commandments

  5. He would be a God to the descendants of Abraham

  6. the Phoenicians

  7. Solomon built the temple and David conquered many nations

  8. Israel was divided into two kingdoms

  9. 70 A.D.


Abraham- "father of a great nation"

Patriarchs- The founding faaathers of the naation of isreal

Moses- one of the greatest men in world history

Covenant- a solemn agreement

Theocracy- a nation ruled by God

Alphebet- phonetic system of righting in which letters are used to represent sounds

Sinai Script - the first true alphebet

Literacy- the ability to read and right

721B.C- Samaria fell to the Assyrian invaators

586 B.C- Jerusalem fell to the Babylonian Empire

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