Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9/10 Test (Open Notes/Book)

1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151. a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1. annointed one of god

5. son of vespasian

9. hated christians and was the 4th great persrcution

13. pupil of polycarp

17. the most learned man in the early church

21. both the CO-emperors

25. christian apologists of the early church

29. bishop of alexandria

33. Roman Emperor

b. Terms (all)

1. place of worship for the JEWS...

2. non JEWISH person

3 Greek for "witness"

4. the last book in the bible

5 place of refuge for the believers to hide from ppersicution

6 equal rights for al religions

7 founders of the church

8 the people who wrote letters to officials to defend chritianity






c. Chapter Concepts (#4)

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
b. Places (#1, 3)
c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

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