Thursday, December 10, 2009

Assignment 40

Section Review

1 they revolted because they were angry and there freedoms were taken away from them and they were delt with harshly.

2 in 1555 they made a sorta peace treaty and the were on frendly grounds

3 the roman church was very angry and outraged and they were calling names left and right and clling them herotics and saying they were doomed and cursed blah blah blah

4 the jesuits

5 the controled many colledges and universitys

augusturg confession - was written by phillip melonthon

inquisition - was in inquiry and it was kinda like a trial

ignatius loyola he was a spanish soldier

concil of trent- where rome made a strong stand against protestents

sR 2

1 he kiled his grandmother for the throne

2 cuz he was abeast like that

3he was a firm believer in the cath0lic church

4 william the silent?

5 many good foods and the cultures have bleended

6 netherlands denmark and a few others

7 they got mad and upset

section review


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