Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assignment 12

Chapter 4 Section Review

1 Name the three great fertile rivers valleys of asia. TIgiris- Euphretes , Indus , and Hwang Ho

What important acient cultures made their homes in these river valleys? Mesopotamia , India , and China

2 What porportion of the earth's land does Asia contain? 1/3 of earths land

What portion of earths population? allmost 60 persent

3 What geograpical feature surrounds india? The Himalayas

What are three Major land regions of the Indian subcontinent?The Himalayan mountain system , the Northern plains , and the Deccan

4. What are India's two distinctive culture features ? The Hinduism religion. Hindus worship a host of dieties and they believe that these gods and godlings are but emanations and manifestations of one absolute impersonal , universal spirit they call Brahma

And the caste system. A major component of Hinduism is the observance of Caste, a strict division of social classes

5 What native indian family drove the greeks out of india? The Maurya Empire

6 Who founded the false religion of buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama
Where does it still survive today?, southeastern Asia

7 What empire inaugurated india's golden age? Moguls

8 what empire was established by the muslim warrior Babar? Mongol empire

9 what organization came to rule india after the battle of plassey? The East India Trading company

10 who is remembered as the father of modern missions? william Carey

11 Describe some of the british contributions to india ? Math and technology

12 what two men lead india's independence movement and in what year did they become independent ?Gandhi and jawaharlal nehru and in 1964

13 name 2 prime ministers that were assassinated ? Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi

14 describe the numerous contributions of india. well in Science & technology they contributed with dye cloth,tan leather,manufacture soap and glass and in math we have place values and numerals


Mount everest= highest place on earth
Dead sea = So salty that there is no life in the water
Indus valley civilization= arose in 2000 bc
Aryans=barbarians who invaded India
Dravidians= fled to southern parts of india
Asoka= greatest ruler of Maurya Empire
Taj Mahal=an emperor built it as a tomb for his wifes body
Pakistan =a very populated city in the middle east
Bangladesh=east pakistan
Hindustani=arabic and persian languages
Sepoy Rebellion=indian people revolted against the
Adoniram Judson=Americas 1st foreign missionary

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