Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter 5.1


 Africa

Second largest continent

Home of the largest desert – Sahara

Home of the world’s largest river – the Nile River

 Egypt

Is in the corner of Africa

Called the seedbed of African culture

 Mizraim

Most ancient name of Egypt

Name if one of Ham’s sons

The bible called Egypt the land of Ham

 Nomes

Early on Egypt consisted of a number of small states called nomes

 Pharaohs

Strong rulers

Divided nomes into:

Lower Egypt

Upper Egypt

 Menes

The first pharaoh of Egypt

United upper and lower Egypt

Egypt became known as “ Kingdom of the Two Lands “

 The Nile River

World’s largest river

 Herodotus

Greek father of history

Lived 485 – 425 BC

 Nile Delta

At the mouth of the Nile

Chapter 5.2


Language and literature

Hieroglyphics contains over 700 characters

The book of the dead

Most important Egyptian work

 contained prayers, hymns, spells, and other information to guide them through the after life

 placed in tombs

Important cities

 Memphis

  • Known as noph in the Hebrew Bible


 Thebes

  • Nothing remains of Thebes except the vast necropolis
  • Means the city of the dead

The pyramid best symbolizes the Egyptian government

Ancient Egypt was an absolute monarchy

 chapter 5.3

Egyptian religion

 Humanistic

They worshiped man (pharaoh)

 Naturalistic

They worshiped nature

 Polytheistic

They believed in thousands of gods and goddesses

 Egyptian tombs

A man spent as much time preparing his tomb for the afterlife as he did on the affairs on this life

Early pharaohs built huge stone pyramids to serve as “ houses of eternity “ for their mortal remains

 Great pyramid of Cheops

One of the wonders of the world

Took 100,000 workers nearly 20 years to construct his pyramid

Once it was finished it:

 covered 13 acres

 contained 2.3 million blocks of stone

 was 480 feet high

 Tomb of Tutankhamen

One of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries

Howard carter discovered the tomb in 1922

King tut was a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18

His tomb was filled with exquisite treasures!

 what is mummification?

The preservation of bodies of the dead

Huge tombs and pyramids were used as caskets

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