Monday, September 21, 2009

study guide

Sahara- Home of the worlds largest desert

Nile- Home of the worlds largest river

Egypt- Northeast corner of Africa; also called "The seed bed of African culture"

Mizraim- Most ancient name of Egypt; name of one of Ham's sons

Land of Ham- What the Bible calls Egypt

Nomes- Small states in Egypt

Pharaohs- Strong rulers; Kings of Egypt

Menes- 1st pharaoh of Egypt; united upper and lower Egypt

"The gift of the Nile"- What Herodotus called Egypt

Hieroglyphics- Writing system; contains over 700 characters

Book of the dead- Most important Egyptian book

Memphis- known as Noph in the Hebrew Bible

Thebes- Nothing remains except the vast necropolis

Necropolis- Means city of the dead(one did cemetery)

Pyramid- Symbolizes Egyptian gov.; Pharaoh=top, Priests/Officials=Sides, Everyone else=Base

Monarchy- 1 absolute ruler

Theocracy- Nation under 1 god

Humanism- Worship a human

Naturalism- Worship nature

Polytheism-Many gods

Egyptian Tombs- Spend a lot of time preparing them for the after life

Great Pyramids of Cheops- 1 of the wonders of the world; 100,000 workers,20 years to
construct; 13 acres, 480 ft. tall, 2.3 million blocks of stone

King Tut- teenage pharaoh,died at 18 of natural causes, tomb was filled with exquisite treasures

Mummification- preservation of the bodies of the dead

30 Dynasties- what ancient Egyptian history is divided into

Old Kingdom- Dynasties 3-6

Pyramids of Giza- Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure built it

Great Sphinx- Head of a man,body of a lion;Bears likeness of Khafre

Middle Kingdom- 11th Dynasty

King Mentuhotep I- Established capital at Thebes

Hyksos- Asiatic warriors, conquered the middle kingdom

Ahmose I- drove the hyksos out of Egypt

New Kingdom- 18th - 20th Dynasty

Hatshepshut- may have been Moses mother, only female pharoah

Amenhotep II- Thut's son, may have been pharaoh during the Exodus

Later New Kingdom- Ramses II = most outstanding Egyptian monarch

Ramses II- most outstanding Egyptian Monarch

Alexander the Great- Conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.

Alexandria- Most important city in Alexander's empire

Lighthouse of Alexandria- 440 Ft. high marble tower; 1 of the wonders of the world

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